Category: Kids

8-year-old blind girl overcame her hospital fear by singing to herself during her treatment

Classmates bully a girl for her race, until this stranger jumps in to shut them up.

Smart kid uses security camera to reach out dad at work and asks for help with tv

‘Child’ filmed casually smoking at football match went viral only to find out it was a big mistake

Terrified Mother watches her 14-month-old baby choking to death until Policeman steps in

best buds hug after 2 days apart

Toddler Best Friends Race To Hug Each Other After Two Days Apart

Mom Can’t Afford To Celebrate Her Son’s Birthday, Until This Woman Steps In

Parents Record Newborn Twin Babies Having A Hilarious Babble Conversation

Mischievous Kid Pulls The Perfect Plot Twist, Gets Her Mom In Trouble For ‘Kidnapping’

Pedophile Sets Up A Blind Date With 16-Year-Old Strangers Come For Rescue

Prank Gone Wrong:Mixed Reactions on ‘Invisible’ Child Freaking Out as Family Laughs off

Talented Daughter starts singing, Dad sheds a Tear in Pride

Parents Film Adorably Confused Toddler Meeting Twins For The First Time

Adorable Little Girl Struggles To Say Ice-cream, Then Invents Her Own Word

Adorable Kid Does Sassy Dance Moves, Loves to ‘Hit the Woah’

It Was An Ordinary Concert, Until Little Boy Completely Stole The Show