Australian Teens Drive Around Island Scorched by Bushfires to Rescue Surviving Koalas

As you may know, Australia is going through the biggest bushfire that it has ever experienced. Reports have estimated that the raging fires have killed a billion animals. In it, an estimated 25000 Koalas have died. This incredibly tragic situation has gained international outcry and support.

Furthermore, people are looking at ways to restore the state of the afflicted places. Some people are donating money, while others are looking at more actionable ideas to help the victims of the fire. Koalas are a species of mammals that are already vulnerable to extinction. The flames have put this native species in more danger than ever before. So, to help these adorable creatures, two teen cousins decided to go on a mini Koala rescue.


Micah and Caleb, who reside in the Kangaroo Island, drove by scorched land to find the animals. The once diversity rich land off the coast of South Australia is now burned and barren. The two native teens know how to care for the Koalas, so they went and picked as many as they could find. And people are so grateful! In the video where you can see the Koalas they picked inside the car, people have been asking where they can donate to help take care of the creatures. We love the initiative the youths have taken. Watch their video down below:

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