Mind-Bending Dance Audition Shocks Judges and Gets Audience Cheering!

If you’ve seen a few seasons of any of the Got Talent shows, you probably think you’ve seen about every kind of act there is. Well here’s one not even the judges saw coming and the results were wild!

Pasha, who says he’s originally from Moscow, Russia, say that he is an entertainer “but wants to become a real estate investor just in case.” He says he is nervous about the performance because it’s a dance act he usually does with his wife and, since she missed her flight, he will have to perform it alone.

“She was visiting her mother in San Francisco and I was coming from Branson, Missouri, so we were on different flights,” Pasha said. Thus he now has to perform the dance solo.

But we get an inkling it might all be part of the performance when the host wheels out two life-size dolls. In a surreal moment, the dolls start dancing and that’s where the mind-bending part starts. It looks like there are two people controlling the dolls but we soon begin to see wild antics that make us question exactly what’s going on.

Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know if you figured out how it was done!


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