Neglected Ram Lived Alone in Zoo for 10 Yrs – Then This Woman Adopted Him

It’s difficult for most of us to see an animal in distress and it makes us feel good when we see those animals finally rescued. Well here’s a story about a woman who did exactly that and was rewarded with love from the animal she rescued.

Huxley the ram spent ten years completely alone at a petting zoo, living outside in an isolated pen with no shelter, sleeping on the hard ground and being fed a terrible diet. Pictures and video of him during that time show he was absolutely miserable.

This woman, Ryan, visited Huxley many times and was distressed about his condition at the zoo. She works at Uncle Neil’s Home, a sanctuary for rescued animals. “Every time I closed my eyes at night,” Ryan said, “I saw him lying there.”

Eventually Uncle Neil’s Home got Huxley released by the county commissioners into their care. After a while in their care, his personality blossomed and he started connecting with other animals.

What a heartwarming rescue story! Watch the full video below and please leave a Facebook comment about what you think of Huxley and his story!

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