Man Rushes into Stranger’s Burning Home to Save Their Terrified Dog

Here’s a man that risks his life nearly every single day for people he doesn’t know, but he becomes a “hero “overnight when he does the same thing for a dog. This story will inspire you in every way possible.

Tim Tarwater, veteran Nashville firefighter, was on his way to a party when he spotted a house on fire. Given his training and expertise, he couldn’t just drive without having taken an action. But when he got out of his car he realized there was a big problem.

It turns out the homeowners had not been able to coax their family pet out of the house and it was now stuck inside. So Tim did what he had to do: he went inside after the dog.

“Most firemen are attracted to smoke,” Tim told USA Today. “Honestly, it’s like a dog to a bone. We just can’t get away from it.” He noticed that the dog, a bouvier des Flandres, weighed roughly 85 pounds. “I couldn’t do anything about the property, but I could save that dog. I thought it was worth a chance.”

We are so glad there was someone recording Tim acting as a good Samaritan and a responsible community member. Needless to say, he made a great impact on everyone’s heart with this act. Watch the full video below!

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