Tag: The X Factor

Simon Scoffs at His Song Choice But Instantly Regrets It Once He Starts Singing

Rocker Dad Blows Them All Away – Then Cries When His Son Comes on Stage

Judges Weren’t Sure About Walmart Worker – ‘At Last’ Leaves Them Begging for More

This 27-Yr-Old Construction Worker Exudes ‘Cool’ as He Belts Out a 1961 Classic

Painter Sings a 1972 Roberta Flack Classic for His One Chance to Make It Big

Nervous Bartender’s Banter With Judges is Great, but Not as Good As Her Incredible Voice!

He Starts Out Shaking Like a Leaf, Sings ‘The Rose,’ Ends Up as One of Most Watched Ever

17-Yr-Old Shocks With His Deep Country Voice, but When He Grins Everyone Loses It!

When This Prison Worker Starts Singing, Judges Had Never Heard Anything Like Her Voice

Judge Asks 13-Yr-Old if She Practiced – It’s Instant Regret When He Hears Her Voice

16-Yr-Old Kisses His Favorite Judge, Then Scores Instant Cheers With 1960 Classic

Nervous Teen Is Last Contestant, Breaks Down In Tears Awaiting Simon’s Critique

50-Yr-Old Cashier Desperate to Prove Herself is Pushed Over the Edge by Simon’s Critique

16-Yr-Old Brings Tears and Cheers With Over-the-Top Version of a Cher Classic

14-Yr-Old’s Amazing Performance Has Judges Jumping on the Table

Handsome 17-Yr-Old Blows Everyone Away With Emotional Power Ballad