Tag: crying animal

Cockatoo Says Goodbye to His Lifeless Partner and Gives Her One Last Kiss

Dad Comes Home From Work, Cockatoo Goes Into a Rant About the House Cat

They Carried 19-Yr-Old Therapy Dog to Help a Dying Woman -This Will Move You To Tears

When Heartbroken Donkeys Saw Their Dead Friend, Their Reaction Broke Everyone’s Heart


Dog Knows She’s Never Going To See Dad Again. Her Reaction Is Bringing Everyone To Tears…


Heartbroken Parents Had to Say Farewell to Their Baby, Then Their Dogs Came to the Hospital


Cat Loses His Friend to Cancer, His Reaction is Heartbreaking


Sad mama dog filmed ‘crying’ at shelter after being dumped without her puppies


No One Adopts This Dog Who Cries All Night

Mother Dog Tries To Bring Dead Puppy

Mama Dog Digs Up Dead Puppy Trying Desperately to Bring Him Back to Life

dog hugging a pillow

Heartbroken Dog Won’t Stop Cuddling Pillow Of His Brother Who Passed Away


Koala Gets Kicked Out of Tree – Angry Momma Was Not Having It


German Shepherd Cries Out in Frustration. The Reason Behind It is Hilarious!


He Saw Granny Buried After Her Funeral. But This Dog’s Reaction is Heartbreaking


Dog’s Smells Late Owner’s Belongings and It’s Making Everyone Emotional


Whiny German Shepherd Cries Like a Baby, You Won’t Believe the Hysterical Reason Behind It