Tag: cockatoo

Dad Asks Cockatoo If She Loves Him – Watch the Hilarious Response


Man Playfully Squeezes Parrot’s Tummy, Her Reaction Left Him Laughing

Cockatoo Dances Like a Pro to ‘Gangnam Style’ – Hilarious!

Dad Comes Home From Work, Cockatoo Goes Into a Rant About the House Cat

Cockatoo Has Never Heard “Uptown Funk” Before – When It Starts Playing, I Lost It

Furious Parrot Wants to Go for a Walk, but When His Owner Says No…

Lonely Cockatoo Wants to Fit in With the Cats – What He Does is Hilarious

Cockatoo Hears Alexa Farting, His Reaction is Hilarious

They Tell Their Cockatoo He’s Going to the Vet, His Reaction Has Me in Stitches

Rescue Cockatoo Considers New Dad her Mate, Won’t Leave his Side

Cockatoo Goes Crazy and Cusses Dad When He Asks Her to Go in the Cage

Rescue Cockatoo Overcomes Trauma to Become ‘Dancing Queen’

Mom Gives Cockatoo a Bowl Of Broccoli – He Absolutely Hates It!

Cockatoo Mimics Her Divorced Previous Owners – Both Sides of the Arguments!

Cockatoo Hears Her Favorite Song and Hilariously Starts Wild Dance

This White Parrot Saying ‘I Love You’ to a Puppy Melted Over 12M Hearts