Tag: German shephard

Dad’s Proud of New Fence to Keep Dog in the Yard – Watch Dog’s Reaction

Her Dog is Asleep in Backseat Until Her Favorite Song Plays – Then Watch

German Shephard Doesn’t Like Stranger Near His Sister – Wait Till She Lets Go

Rescue Dog Leads Owner to Terrifying Realization and She Instantly Dials 911

pup not allowed to bark

She Said No Barking in House, So Listen to What Clever Doggo Does

After 5 Yrs on a Chain, Her Reaction to First Time Seeing the Beach Made Me Cry

Cesar Millan German Shepherd

Cesar Millan Takes Muzzle Off ‘Angry’ German Shepherd to Reveal His True Personality

German Shepherd Sees a Talking Husky – His Response Will Leave You in Stitches

Owner Asked Corgi To Go on a Walk, the Doggo’s Reaction Left Him in Stitches!

German Shepherd Hears Dad at the Door – What Dog ‘Tells’ his Sister Is Unreal

German Shepherd Has Hilarious Reaction to Stuffed Tiger in the Kitchen

This Baby Can’t Hold Her Laughter When the Dog Goes After Mom’s Bubbles

German Shepherd Puts His Brother to Bed – And Can Make Coffee!

Dog’s Rural House is on Fire, So He Flags Down Help and Leads Them to It

Life Before and After Getting German Shepherd Puppy – Hilarious!

bruno-and-rj-story (1)

K9 Hero Shot in the Line of Duty Gets Reunited With His Partner