She Entered the Arena In a Tux – But Pay Close Attention When She Spins

Ice skating and figure skating have been popular pastimes for centuries. The earliest known form of ice skating dates back to the 13th century, when the Dutch skated on frozen canals and lakes with crudely fashioned blades of bone attached to their boots. Ice skating became more popular and sophisticated in the 17th century when the Dutch brought the sport to England. Figure skating as we know it today first began in the early 1800s in London. In 1882, Jackson Haines, an American skater, introduced ballet and dance elements to the sport, which made figure skating more artistic and creative.

Figure skating is difficult for a number of reasons, the main one being that it is both an athletic and artistic form of creative expression. Figure skaters must learn two very different approaches to the sport and then seamlessly integrate them into a single beautiful program. They must learn both sport and art, as well as athletic performance and dance.

stage tux figure skating

Figure skaters take this artistic aspect to a whole new level. Take a look at the world’s most beautiful and bizarre costume transformation. All of them were so flawless but it was the girl in a tux who transformed from a brunette with a tux to a stunning golden blond in a split second that caught my attention.

Watch her performance below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought! And if you want to see more, use the slider to start or end the video in a different place. 

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