Man Saves Bald Eagle from Drowning – Incredible Rescue Footage

Animal rescue videos are pretty common on the internet, but this one features something you’ve probably never seen: a bald eagle, up close and personal.

Emmett Blois was out rafting on the Shubie River near Halifax, Nova Scotia, and noticed six eagles floating on the water. As he approached, five took off but a sixth stayed behind. As the tidal waves came in and hit the eagle still in the water, Emmett realized the eagle was in trouble and they decided to try to rescue her.

What happened next is a dramatic rescue where they have to pull the giant raptor from the water without getting bitten by her incredibly strong and sharp beak, and also keep from getting torn to shreds by her sharp and powerful talons.

They did finally get her into the boat, where they wrapped her in a blanket both for comfort and their own protection. She was as scared of them as they were of her: “When I got her in the boat, I had my hand on her chest and her heart was just pounding.”

They brought her to Hope for Wildlife, who diagnosed her problems and helped heal her. Then Emmett and his friend got to take her to the wild to release her! What an incredible story. Watch the video belowand please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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