Robin Williams Shines as One of Carson’s Two Final Guests on Tonight Show

We’ve posted a few times before about Robin Williams on Johnny Carson. The two of them together created magic, although Robin had that ability with almost anyone due to his incredible improvisation skills. But here’s a very special video that is truly incredible for two reasons.

First, this is Robin’s last of many appearances on The Tonight Show and his jokes are every bit as good as the first time. His “trademark manic energy and stream-of-consciousness lunacy” made for a hilarious opening guest.

But second and in this case more importantly, this is Johnny Carson’s last Tonight Show with guests: Johnny signed off the following night, May 22, 1992, after airing a retrospective show filmed on a closed set, where he delivered a classic monologue thanking the world for letting him do something he enjoyed so much.

It’s telling that Johnny selected Robin as one of his two final guests. The other guest, Bette Midler, became very emotional during the show (as did Johnny) and Robin’s wild humor provided a bit of a bookend for that emotion.

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