Pizza Shop Stirs Community With Note They Write to Homeless Man Digging Through Their Dumpster

When you think of homeless people, what is the first thing that your mind pictures? Some could imagine raggedy clothes. Others might think of individuals living on the street or their vehicles. Regardless one thing remains constant, their “Hunger”.

In 2019, 35 million people experienced hunger, says the data of Especially, kids suffer the most due to food insecurity. But there are positive deeds that come forward as helping hands to feed these people. One such savior is “Little Caesar”. We are all familiar with the name. We might have even gone to the place for a bite. It turns out, the people working there have a big heart like the place itself.

It all started with a note. The employees of “Little Caesar” noticed a homeless man going through their trash can searching for food. Instead of turning him away, they posted a note on their window. The post was an invitation for the homeless people to come inside for a slice of pizza. In this selfish world, we live, such act of kindness helps store our faith in the humanity. But that’s not all; there is more to this amazing story.

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