Poor Horse Was Severely Abused By Owner, Until This Man Came To The Rescue

After long years of working hard, what would your plans for retirement be? Many people dream of travelling around the world and spending time on their hobbies. Larry and Peggy Neaves had the same dreams. But then their life took a really different turn. This amazing couple decided to dedicate their time caring for abused and neglected horses instead. They went on to build a sanctuary called Habitat for Horses.

Larry and Peggy Neaves were both government officers before they retired. He used to work for the FBI and she used to work for US customs. They had planned on travelling together after retiring, but life didn’t turn out the way they expected. The couple ended up opening Forever Home Ranch in Brookesmith, Texas, and have dedicated the rest of their lives to rescuing horses.

They opened their hearts and wallets to horses that had suffered horrendous abuse throughout their lives. Originally, they thought they’d be operating a hospice for horses they thought wouldn’t make it that long so they’d have a peaceful death. But under their loving care, the horses survived and thrived. They have 18 horses with them, and have only lost 3 horses in two and a half years. This tireless couple working to give horses in need a second chance at life really moves your heart, doesn’t it?

Check out their amazing story below:

[ytvid id=”fkTlcfv1Flk”]

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