Clever Plumber Sprinkles Kool Aid in Toilet and the Result is Genius

Most of the time it’s wonderful to own and decorate a beautiful home. Your choices speak volumes about your personality. But it also takes quite a bit of work to keep your house clean, whether it’s to stay ready for guests or just to live in a clean space.

One of the areas that need your constant attention is your washroom. You’re always worried about germs and if you live in an area with hard water, you have to constantly be cleaning to avoid hard water stains.

But we have a busy life, and if you have kids, the workload is overwhelming. Scheduling a daily clean up can be hectic. Hence, searching for more effortless and hassle-free options is not new. With the proper search, the Internet lands us DIY enthusiasts who provide easy solutions.

Needless to say, they are not 100% full proof plan. Sometimes, they make quite the impression, while in others, they fail miserably. But the hack we provide you today is plumber approved—high hopes for this one. Initially, to immaculate the toilet bowl, we need a cool-aid package. Yes, you heard me correctly. Pour the content inside the rim, let it sit for at least an hour or more. Upon return, scrub the edges and flush.


The result is a sparkling toilet bowl with a fruity smell to it. Please press play and make use of this efficient and straightforward hack. Do share your thoughts in the feed.

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