He Dripped Mortar on This Umbrella – The Result is a True Masterpiece

There’s an endless possibility in the DIY world when it comes to mortar. You can use it for anything. You can fix up your old dingy backyard with awesome waterflow, cement pots, or even an aquarium. This man uses an old umbrella and makes a creative cheap aquarium.

You may be bothered by the use of mortar since it can be dangerous for your fish if the wrong kind is used. But most types of Portland cement-based mortar are considered to be very safe for aquarium use, so it is possible to use it.

I would recommend “Type S” mortar as it is designed for wet installations and below-grade use. While this aquarium will be above ground, it is the moisture resistance you are looking for. You could also use Type M, but that is more expensive and is probably overkill as it’s designed for greater loads. Avoid Type N and Type O as they don’t have the same moisture resistance.


As a note of caution, you should probably avoid “polymer-modified” mortar, like the kind that would be used to set tile, as this poses a hazard to aquatic organisms. Also do not add any polymer strengthening agents as they are also hazardous.

So, if you are ready to grab your DIY hats & shoes, and let’s get working! Here’s the full video for you to follow along:

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