Parents Give Foster Child Adoption Papers for Christmas – His Reaction is Priceless

Christmas is a festival of unity and pure bliss and joy. However, some Christmas is just more special and memorable than others.

For you, many memories may have been made on a specific Christmas day. But, this kid had the best one anyone could ever ask for all the good reasons. The sweet boy was left in foster care for years. Now we know how awful and tiring it can get for foster kids.

Thankfully for this boy, a couple decided to finally adopt him. The couple wanted to give him a pleasant surprise on Christmas. When they gave him a gift box with adoption papers in it, the boy was totally shocked and happy. The little boy was filled with so many emotions after he got his surprise.

He really deserves a loving home and parents he finally got. Watch the video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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