6 Elderly Men Got Onstage, But Their “Synchronized Swimming” is Leaving Everyone is Stitches

When we think of synchronized swimming, the first thing that comes into mind is images of young, athletic women. The last thing you’d associate with synchronized swimming is elderly men. But these elderly gentlemen gave everyone a huge surprise. They are putting that stereotype behind them with this hilarious retirement home performance. If you think the elderly are boring, you have to see these amazing men!

These elderly men proudly paraded in front of the audience and walk up the stairs and onto the stage in their bathing suits. Then they start a synchronized swimming routine that leaves the crowd howling with laughter. Even though these men seem totally comfortable with their synchronized swimming routine, it wasn’t historically a male sport.

But how would the “swim” onstage, you might think? Well, these men have more than a few surprises up their sleeves. The camera starts rolling as the men move in the “water” to the music and share their synchronized swimming talents. The men dive, kick and dance in unison while the crowd laughs hysterically!

These men are really an inspiration to all of us to always remain young at heart and not take things too seriously all the time!

Check out this amazing video below:

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