Golden Retrievers and Husky Give Heart-melting Welcome to Baby Kittens

Everyone knows about the rivalry between cats and dogs! The two species are just too different to get along. But these three dogs couldn’t be more excited to meet not one, but a whole litter of kittens! And their reaction is the cutest thing on the internet.

It can be nerve-wracking to introduce a new family member to your pets. However, the owner of these two golden retrievers and a husky know their pets quite well! Expressly, they knew that the three dogs would not hurt even the littlest of cats! Maybe it has to do with the fact that they are the children of their feline housemates. But these gentle giants do the most adorable thing when they see the three baby cats for the first time.

3 dogs meet kittens first time

At first, the dogs have a look of confusion as they haven’t seen anything this small before. Moreover, the kittens who haven’t even opened their eyes yet are crawling here and there! The husky goes on to give the kittens while the tiny creatures enamor the rest. Soon enough, all three dogs fall in love with the babies and even let them play on their bodies. Furthermore, they look after the kittens, always treating them gently! Watch the video below:

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