Returning Soldier Hides Under Blanket – Dog’s Discovery of Him is Pure Joy

Military homecoming videos are always heartwarming to watch, especially if the people–or in this case pets–at home don’t know the veteran is returning.

The men and women in our military are some of the most incredible people in the world. They put their lives on the line for us knowing we will rarely be called upon to do the same for them. They are often deployed to far-off lands, and sadly, not all of them make it out alive. Whenever a soldier returns back home, it is a special moment for not only his family and friends, but for us all as a nation.

The video below features a wonderful reunion that might just make you cry. When this soldier returned home, he tried to surprise his faithful dog. He hid under the sheets while mom brought their dog into the room. The dog sniffs around for a few seconds. Then he understands that something is up. I was almost in tears when I saw what happened after the soldier revealed himself.

Watch the adorable reunion video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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