Mom Shocked to Find Thousands of Notes in Daughters’ Room – From Dad!

This is a great feel-good story about a Dad who goes above and beyond to inspire his daughters. I’m pretty sure you’ll love it.

Sabrina Clendenin has three daughters and was looking through their room one day when she discovered some sticky notes in a drawer. As she read through them, she realized they were motivational notes from her husband to their daughters. The more she looked, the more she found. Every day, he had put a note in each daughter’s lunchbox. Eventually she compiled thousands of them–and the girls had saved every one.

Sabrina posted them to TikTok and they garnered over two million views–everyone marveled at this dad and his sweet gesture.

Here’s a couple of examples: “Hi !! You’re beautiful, you’re funny, you’re smart, you’re brave, you’re kind, I LOVE YOU” and “Try to make a new friend today” with a stick-figure drawing.

“He was even doing specific days,” Sabrina said, “like ‘What am I Wednesday’, ‘Fun fact Friday’, ‘Motivational Monday’.”  Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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