If your family is choosy and picky like mine. I have the perfect recipe for you. Everything is readily available in your pantry. Without further ado, let’s just dive in, shall we?
First thing, toast the pieces of bread to your liking. Pre-heat the oven to 325-degrees Fahrenheit. In a deep baking pan, place six slices of bread, top it off swiss cheeses. And lay the remaining six.

For the thick and tasty filling, in a bowl mix: eggs, baking powder, heavy cream, and flour. Now add the salt and pepper according to your taste. Pour the mixture all over the cheesy bread.
It’s time to get creative with our meal, a little for everyone. For the first topping, prepare feta cheese, sliced tomato, and olive. Now in the second bowl, combine cooked bacon, mushroom, and cheddar cheese. Finally, bell pepper, hot dogs, and scallion will work perfectly fine for the third one.

Sprinkle the topping with equal divisions on the pan. Cook it for 25 minutes straight, take it out. And please be careful. Let it cool for a while, then cut it accordingly. Set the table and enjoy the cheesy, delicious meal with your family.
Did you like the final taste? Please lets us know in the feed. If the meal makes you happy, do share it with your loved ones.