Video Captures Beautiful Moment Rescued Elephant Is Welcomed By The Herd At Sanctuary

The most beautiful thing to witness in this world is the happiness in rescue animals’ faces. The sense of freedom they feel is shown clearly in the way they express themselves, and it is the most precious feeling ever.

So, when this blind elephant stepped into the Elephant Nature Park, it was one of the most beautiful sights. Ploy Thong is a blind elephant who was recently rescued. It was her first time at the Elephant Nature Park, an elephant sanctuary in Thailand. So she started sending low vibrations announcing her arrival. All the other elephants in the sanctuary came running.

blind elephant meets friends

All the elephants start greeting the blind elephant. They outstretch their trunks and rumble to greed the new member of their extended family. This is overwhelming to Ploy Thong; however, she looks delighted to have come there.

She also greets everyone by outstretching her trunks. And since she can’t see, this is the only way Ploy can feel the presence of other elephants. And she is ecstatic for the fact that now she has new family members.

WATCH the beautiful bonding moment between the elephants below.

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