Soldier was hurt in the battlefield, watch as this cute pooch comes for assistance

Soldiers have one of the toughest jobs in the world. They go through lots of mental and physical stress during their deployment. And after their service is complete, they have a hard time adjusting to civilian life due to all the scars of their past. Most veterans are known to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This hinders them from a better life.

Veterans tend to follow some form of therapy to overcome their problems. Dogs are usually the best options. The video below features a commercial from The Royal Dutch Guide Dog Foundation (KNGF). It shows us how much assistance a veteran dog can offer when it comes to helping a military veteran going through war related trauma. This ad was the winner of the Gouden Loeki 2014.

Watch this powerful video below! Share what you thought about it in the comments section!

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