Adorable Raccoon Jumps Into the Pool for a Swim, but Watch Who Follows

Jumping into cool water is one of the best ways to beat the summer heat. This video shows that it’s not just us humans that want to hang out by the pool on hot days, it’s our pets as well.

Meet Tito, the adorable rescue raccoon, and his Labrador friend Penny. In this clip, we get to see the duo hanging out together poolside and having tons of fun together. You are going to be smiling from ear to ear when you see this!

Tito can be seen reaching out towards the pool, then his doggy friend decides to join in. When Tito jumps into the pool, Penny knows it’s safe and follows along! Within seconds, the precious raccoon climbs on top of Penny’s back and they go on to enjoy some much needed relaxation time in the water! The way they interact with each other clearly shows how strong their bond is.

It may seem strange that a dog and a raccoon can be friends, but everything will make sense once you see them together. Their antics in the pool are simply adorable. Watch the adorable video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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