This Easy Tip Can Save A Choking Baby’s Life

Parenting undoubtedly comes with a lot of responsibility. Apart from keeping the kids safe and nurturing to make them responsible adults. Parents always have to stay prepared for other mishaps. The reason is simple; toddlers are unaware of the harmful consequences of their silly and curious actions.

For instance, choking, if your baby swallows something, your immediate response is to call the ambulance. In the meantime, how do you comfort the little one? What first aid can you while you wait? Many reading this could be knowledgeable on what to do. But for some unaware, this can be a horrific experience.


As always, we come bearing answers for you. In a recent survey done by St John Ambulance, over four-fifths of participants had no prior knowledge on saving a choking baby. 40% of the individuals complain about having less to no information. Hence, as a result, St John made a children-friendly and informative video on the topic.

If you ever come up against such a situation. First step: Lay them face down with the support of your thighs and instantly give them back blows. If that doesn’t work, don’t panic. Turn the baby around and begin giving front blows. Even that doesn’t work, call the ambulance.

Please press play and take all the benefits from the lesson.

Help pass the knowledge and share the clip with your loved ones. Something so simple as this clip can really save a child’s life.