Woman Whose Cake Was Stolen 77 Years Ago Finally Gets an Unexpected Apology

Life is very unpredictable. You never know what you will get the next moment, be it anything good or bad.

This is one of the best things I’ve ever seen online. Meri Mion was quite happy when she was called by a bunch of soldiers for a celebration that she had missed out on 77 years ago. When she was about to celebrate her 13th birthday with a birthday cake, the cake got stolen. Turns out some soldiers had stolen her cake that day while it was being left to be cooled on the windowsill.

Years later, some soldiers came together and threw a party for her. Meri was very surprised as well as very happy when this happened. Her story makes us have faith in the good in people. There really is hope if you are willing to look around the world. Humanity is not extinct with people like these.

This is one of the most wholesome things on the internet. Watch the full video below!

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