When a man from Saskatoon heard meowing coming from the alley near his garage, he went out to inspect. He was shocked to see what he found.
Before his eyes were eight little kittens cuddling together in a box, trying to stay warm. The Good Samaritan brought the bunch inside his house. Then he looked for help.

When SCAT Street Cat Rescue (in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) received a plea about the kittens on the 1st of March, they instantly offered to take them in. “The night was very cold, minus 20 Celsius (-4F) with a high windchill as a winter blizzard was blowing in. The kittens were hypothermic and lethargic and required rewarming. As it can be dangerous to feed a hypothermia kitten, they were passively warmed for several hours,” SCAT Street Cat Rescue said.
The eight kittens belonged to two different litters. Half of them were around five weeks old and the younger ones were about two weeks old. SCAT placed them in two separate foster homes with dedicated caregivers that took care of them 24/7. The kittens were a bit undernourished, however, they were purring and happy to have food, warm beds and a loving, helping hand.

SCAT Street Cat Rescue
Most of the kittens quickly recovered and were able to feed well. Two of them needed a bit more time to adjust to kitten formula. However, their foster mom kept them hydrated and warm through it all. They were back on their paws and eating well after a few days. The older kittens were named Ingrid Bergman (medium hair grey tabby), Isaac Newton (dark tabby with white rings around his eyes), Indiana Jones (medium hair grey tabby), and Inigo Montoya (White and grey with white mustache).
The younger four were named Ireland (grey and white tuxedo), India (black and white with one eye), Ili (long hair black smoke) and Isra (long hair grey). “Little India really likes to run her own life, Ireland is the big sister and tries to parent the others, and the two boys are fuzzy little cuties who are mostly trouble and really seem to enjoy getting messy,” SCAT said.

“The older kittens were in good spirits but very skinny from being malnourished and carrying worms. They did not know how to eat solid food yet and so their foster mom had to make a slurry of canned food and kitten milk replacer and feed them with a syringe.” The kittens soon discovered how to eat on their own and even climbed on their plates to clean off the food.
“Despite their ordeal they are all very friendly and affectionate. When they hear their foster mom, they burst out of their bed and run to greet her. They all love to climb her legs and climb into her lap for cuddles, purring all the time.” Indiana even met a toddler, whom she enjoyed cuddling with.

“Ingrid loves to be picked up and cuddled. Isaac is the smallest but has the loudest purr. Inigo is the quietest and often prefers to sit in his foster mom’s lap and stare at her instead of play with his siblings,” SCAT said.
All of the kittens are blooming in foster care and are getting bigger and stronger as each day passes. “They all have outgoing personalities and are snuggly and as cute as buttons. We hope they will continue to grow up healthy and find great homes… they all deserve to.” Check out their rescue journey below!
Thanks to the man who saved them from the alley and the determined efforts of the volunteers, the kittens are now thriving and happier than ever!
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