This Goose Just Loves His Human Friend. Watch Him Protect His BFF In His Unusual Ways!

Friendship comes in all shapes and sizes. We have seen lots unusual pairs of friends before, but this duo right here is going to leave you in awe. The story of Dominic Ehrler and Mario has taken the internet by storm – and for all the right reasons! Dominic met his best pal, Mario, during one of his many frequent visits to a public park. But Mario is pretty special. Why? Because he is a goose! Their bond has shown the world the real meaning of friendship.

When Dominic visited the park, most geese would just wander around with the flock, but Mario always preferred his company. He would even follow Dominic and fly to his motorcycle when he tried to leave. The poor guy was always forced to turn back and stay in the park until his goose friend fell asleep. Dominic loves the little bird and Mario feels the same way about his human friend. As you can see from the following clip, he is very protective when it comes to Dominic.

Mario acts like Dominic’s bodyguard sometimes. He even goes as far as screeching at dogs that pass by his human. Mario lives in a Los Angeles zoo now and Dominic takes time out to visit the adorable birdie as regularly as he can. Dominic states that Mario has changed him. He says, “I quit eating poultry…I used to think birds were dumb. This has changed all that”.

Check out their incredible story in the video below! What did you think about that? Feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments section!

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