Good Samaritan Heroically Dives Off Bridge After Baby Is Flung Into the River

If we see any in trouble, we don’t think twice before getting involved to help the person. But would you leap if it meant risking your own life? Well, I don’t know about you, but the hero in the story didn’t hesitate to take the jump.

Jonathan Bauer was running few errands on the Maryland Route 90 Highway bridge with his daughter. The day was warm, so the family was driving with the windows rolled now. While he was crossing the Assawoman Bay, Jonathan suddenly bumped into a road accident. Seconds later, he heard the horrible sound of tires screeching as a truck reeled to the edge of the bridge. Before Jonathan could even proceed with the situation, a car from behind bumped into the rear end.

People were yelling in the front, trying to get someone out of the tilted truck. Without wasting any valuable seconds, he ran to help. By the time he got there, the man was already out of the truck. But that wasn’t even the worst part. In total shock, the man pointed to the river. When Jonathan glanced on the river, he first saw a car seat, and few feet was a baby girl floating head up, struggling.

That’s when Jonathan made the jump. Once he saved the little girl, he had no idea who was going to save them. Fortunately, Joe and Alayna Oertal, boating from afar, notice Jonathan. They got him abroad and back to safety. Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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