Adorable Sassy Toddler Has Some Strong Opinions About Time Out

Some children have their own ideas and opinions. Today’s world, for the most part, respects children’s thoughts more than adults. Parents used to have a lot more say over what their children learned. The debate is over. Today, however, most parents try to give their children the opportunity to express themselves in a respectful and empathetic manner.

This can sometimes result in a hilarious debate. Jayla is making headlines with her sassy opinion on Time out.  Her teacher ordered her to sit in time out. And she was not happy about it. Instead of following her decision, Jayla goes to the teacher and expresses her frustration in the most endearing way.

adorable-sassy-toddler opinion on timeout

If it weren’t for the video, I’d have a hard time believing the words were spoken by a three-year-old. Instead, I would have assumed that an adult is drunk talking to a girl whose name isn’t Linda.

The video quickly went viral after it was featured on Steve Harvey’s show in 2019. Check out Steve’s hilarious reaction here:

Please forward it to any parents or preschool teachers you know…