This 28-year-old woman was allegedly beaten by her boyfriend and threatened at gunpoint. But, as soon as they entered the hospital, tables turned on him.
It was a typical day at work on a local DeLand Animal Hospital, Florida. Different Pet owners visited the vet to treat their baby. But soon, the usual day turned in shock when this average-looking couple entered the hospital.
Carolyn Reichle convinced her boyfriend Jeremy Floyd to take their dog to the vets. She somehow managed to slip this note to the receptionists. Surprised staffs hurriedly opened the note just to find shaky handwriting begging for help. Evidently, the woman survived two days of abuse at her house. Floyd didn’t let her escape and punished her in any failed attempt to do so.

Her shaking handwriting in the note wrote:
“Call the cops. My boyfriend is threatening me. He has a gun. Please don’t let him know.”
As soon as the staff got the paper, they immediately called DeLand Police who arrived and arrested the suspect. The woman bursts in tears shortly after the arrest. The poor dog who witnessed everything in some way saved his owner’s life. He stayed by his mother’s side to comfort her. Like he knew what was going on.
According to Reichle statement, this was not the first time she tried to get out of the violence. Initially, she jumped off her bedroom window and ran down the streets, but the Floyd immediately caught her in the act and dragged her back to the house. He then threatened her with sexual assault. The police stated: “On the drive to the vet, Floyd reportedly again pointed the gun at Reichle, threatening to kill her and her family.”
For Floyd, this was not the first arrest. His criminal history includes possession and sale of drugs, burglary, and even grand theft for which he was served a lot of jail time in the past. Reichte, on the other hand, is now under the care of the hospital, getting her head wound, bruises, and black eye treated. As for Floyd, he is being held in jail with no bail.
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