These ‘Dancing Nuns’ Wow Everyone When Music Suddenly Changes

In this video, you’ll witness twelve humble nuns dressed in Catholic habits and exquisite white gloves go to the floor and begin a graceful, flowing dance for their audience. They gracefully began their wonderful dance routine, captivating everyone watching them.

You could almost believe the ladies are graceful missionaries to the glory of God and headed for the Church as they move in choreographed synchrony to the calm, heartfelt melody. To illustrate, they started with their backs to the audience and gradually with the song, faced the crowd which left everyone impressed.

But when the music speeds up it’s a completely different story. The sizzling sisters wiggle to the beat like the best of them, pulling up their hems.

This pious dozen shows that not only are they able to shake it down but they are also decked out in a rainbow of colorful sneakers! Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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