I’ve Heard Hallelujah Many Times But This Passionate Version by Wounded War Veterans Gave Me Chills

MusiCorps is a group of wounded war veterans who find solace and recovery through the healing powers of music. They use their music to help wounded warriors recuperate and pull through their lives. The following video features one of their most incredible performances. This was performed at the 2013 Bank of America Celebration at the Station.

The awe-inspiring gospel songstress Oleta Adams joined MusiCorps onstage along with the Kansas City Symphony. They perform a beautiful rendition of “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen. Their passionate version of this classic masterpiece will no doubt move your heart!

Leonard Cohen's _Hallelujah_ perfomed by Musicorps, Oleta Adams and the Kansas City Symphony 6-9 screenshot


Watch this incredible version of “Hallelujah” below! What are your thoughts about it? Did you enjoy this as much as we did? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

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