An 11-Yr-Old Girl was Found Adrift at Sea in 1961 – Decades Later She Revealed What Happened

In 1961, a peculiar picture of a baby girl drifting afar in the ocean made it to the front page of Life magazine. The murderous plot that left the 11-year-old Terry Jo Duperrault in the sea for 84 hours shook the nation.

The story begins with the second officer of Greek freighter, Nicolaos Spachidakis. He was scanning through the ocean of Northwest Providence Channel. It is the passage that divides the central sea of the Bahamas.

Amid the crowded boats, little dancing whitecaps caught Captain Theo’s eyes. At first glance, it looked like debris. But on further notice, it looked a little too big for debris and way too small to be a boat.

He quickly notified his senior captain, who changed the freighter course. Once they reached alongside the floating object, they were in total disbelief. It was an 11-year old girl, blonde hair floating in an inflatable all by herself. Someone on board took a picture of the little girl squinting her eyes which saved her life. The crew members rescued Terry from the inflatable.

The story behind how she ended up there is a treacherous as it can get. Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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