She Gave Up Son for Adoption – 20 Yrs Later Finds Out He Works at Bldg Next Door

Each year in the U.S., it is estimated that between 10,000 and 20,000 teen mothers teen mothers choose to give up their newborns for adoption. The reasons for this decision vary and can range from a lack of financial resources to a desire to ensure their child has a better life than they could provide.

Although it is a difficult decision, many mothers find comfort in knowing that they are giving their child the best chance at a successful and happy life. And while that decision is agonizing, sometimes fate steps in to play a part.

One such person is a boy who did not even know about his biological mother. Turns out, they had been working in the same place and did not even realize it. Both the mother and the son were separated when 15-year-old Holly Shearer gave up on the baby as she was too young and could not afford to raise the child.

Decades later, on his 20th birthday, Holly sent her son Benjamin Hulleberg a heartwarming message–which blossomed into something neither of them could imagine.

Their reunion will melt your hearts. Watch the full video below!

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