Coffee shop owner charges money according to politeness-He shuts rude customers down

It can be very hard for a person to own a public eatery. When one considers the customers to always be right, they very often prove the saying wrong.

The coffee shop owners are very familiar with rude customers. However, Austin Simms came up with a brilliant idea to shut rude customers down. Austin owns a cafe in Virginia. In his cafe, Cups Coffee and Tea, he charges $5.00 for customers who are not polite.

Likewise, he charges $3.00 and even $1.75 respectively for customers who are polite. To let his customers know about his rule, he even set a sign outside his cafe. And, has it helped this clever barista to earn friendly customers in the long run.

This is one of the funniest and the most wholesome things you will find on the internet. Watch the full video below!

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