He Dropped His Batteries on the Floor for This Genius Reason!

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I remember testing batteries in my tongue. I really had no better idea to know of if my battery was alive or dead! But thanks to this video, I don’t have to go through that ordeal again! You don’t even need to be a pro to learn this simple trick; it can be done by anyone!

Many devices still use alkaline batteries; so it is really helpful to know if your battery is good to go. You can always use a battery meter to check your battery life…but not everyone of us has a battery meter at home right? So what you need to do? Just go ahead and drop it!!

You can carry out a drop test to know if your battery is dead or not. And this video will show you how! Watch it below! Did you know about this before? Let us know in the comments!

[ytvid id=”Y_m6p99l6ME”]

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