This 21-month-old Baby Taking to Water Like a Mermaid

With summer here, swimming is an enjoyable and refreshing activity. The water just washes all your stress away. Although I talk so passionately about swimming, I have never learned the technique. Moreover, I am terrified to learn it either.

Whenever I see someone make those high jumps into the splashing water, ugh, I just utterly jealous. Usually, people learn swimming when they in their younger age. I don’t know what my parents were thinking. Fun fact kids can float in the water without even knowing the basics of swimming. That being said, please don’t just throw your little ones on the water or leave them unattended.

Once that’s cleared out, let’s get to the video. The footage is a new milestone of an adorable toddler, Arabel. She is one year and nine months old. Her parents are teaching the little one to swim. The video shows the progress of the baby girl from beginning to end. I was rooting for the little one halfway through the clip. She seems to really enjoy the water. Arabel is killing it on her first few tries. The baby is a genius.

Please press play and enjoy the video.

Kindly share the clip with your loved ones.