Group Meets for First Time on BGT Stage and Proceeds to Blow Everyone Away

There’s a lot of pressure going on national TV to audition for Britain’s Got Talent. There’s even more pressure when you’ve only met the group you’re singing with online and BGT is your first time to see each other in person.

Singing group Welsh of the West End is a group of Welsh musical theater performers who came together during the Covid lockdowns because the theaters were closed. They rehearsed only online and never came together until the night of the BGT audition.

But you would never know from their performance that they’d never sung together. Their rendition of “From Now On,” from the movie The Greatest Showman was spot on. When they break out from the individual performances to the group harmonies, the judges are clearly taken and the audience begins cheering, clapping and participating.

They receive a standing ovation from audience and judges to round out the show!

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