Little Toddler is Painting Next to Her Dog. Wait Till You See Her Paintbrush, It’s Hilarious!

Dogs are one of the best creatures on earth. I don’t know what magic we humans did to get them, but thank heavens they are here! Dogs will be by your side no matter what! They get along well with just about anyone, don’t they? We have seen a lot of videos showing beautiful friendships between a dog and a baby. The video below is one of these.

This clip features a little toddler playing alongside her adorable doggie. She is painting something, but wait till you see HOW she is doing it! This little babe is using her dog’s tail as a paintbrush to create her artwork! And looking at the pooch, he doesn’t really seem to mind it all that much! What a patience canine! This is why I love dogs!


Watch this adorable video below! What did you think about this? Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments!

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