Man With Down Syndrome So Proud of Brother in Queen’s Guard

I came across this video of a man with Down Syndrome seeing his brother, who had joined the British military, for the first time in over a year. It is so heartwarming that I wanted to share it with everyone.

“Sam” is a man with Down Syndrome who appears on a TV show called, “The Specials,” which highlights people who supposedly have disabilities but are actually very special individuals. Sam’s younger brother, Jack, joined the Coldstream Guards a year ago and Sam has not seen him since.

On the way to see Jack, one of the officers explains to Sam that Jack will not be able to speak to him because he’s on duty, but when his shift is finished he and Sam will be able to “have a chat and a cuppa tea.”

When they arrive, Jack stands as still as expected and moves only to perform the required drill movements of the Guard. Sam gets a picture and looks so incredibly proud it will tug at your heartstrings. But the tugging goes over the top once Sam is finally able to see Jack when he’s off duty!

The ending will make you cry. Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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