Every Time He Pets His Bird, She Lets Him Know Everything That’s on Her Mind – Watch Her Go!

Dogs and cats are some of the most famous pets in the world. But our avian friends aren’t too far behind. Many people prefer the company of birds over cats and dogs. And who could really blame them? Birds are adorable, sociable, and intelligent. But just because they are small, it doesn’t mean that they don’t need as much attention from your side as our four-legged friends do. Featured below is an adorable little parrot who just loves getting attention from her owner.

Every time her owner gently pets her, this precious bird makes sure they know how much she appreciates it. She sits on her owner and starts talking, squawking, and squeaking up a storm. She goes on to tell them everything that is on her mind! Her adorable chat was enjoyed by so many people that it ended up becoming viral on YouTube. The words coming out of the bird’s mouth might not be discernible, but it is quite clear that she is enjoying the love being showered upon her.

The little bird shows off her big personality throughout the video. She is no doubt one of the cutest birds on the internet, and her “talking” only adds to her charm! Don’t miss this! Watch this adorable cutie below! Did she bring a smile to your face? Feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments section!

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