Jealous Baby Has Hilarious Reaction to Mommy and Daddy Kissing

The relationship between a little girl and her dad is unlike anything else. He is her first love and her superhero (at least until she gets older and becomes a teenager who thinks her parents don’t really know anything).

That is why she might get a bit jealous when he pays attention to someone else other than her. Just take for example the hilarious video given below! You are going to be in stitches when you see what this little girl does in the clip! 

Matt Hanneken shared this cute video of his jealous daughter, little Ella, on Facebook. Every time the little girl sees him kiss her mom, she ends up in tears. Seems like she wants all the love for herself. She just can’t stand mom and dad share a kiss in front of her! What a precious little one!

Watch the adorable clip below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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