He’s Napping in the Grass and This Cheetah Decides to Join Him

Working alongside wild animals is a tough and risky job, but it is also equally rewarding. Just ask Dolph Volker. The man works as a volunteer at the Cheetah Experience in South Africa, where the population of these big cats are being preserved.

Dolph says that he wants to gain the confidence of the gorgeous animals. And as you can see in the video below, his efforts seem to have paid off. You are going to be left in awe when you see what happens in the clip!

In this surprising footage, we get to see Dolph lie on the grass alongside a beautiful cheetah called Eden. According to him, Eden is the most adorable, nicest, and the friendliest Cheetah he has ever come across. He recently found out how nice she is and he wanted all of us to know about her. He says he wanted to show the world the “up-close and personal side” of cheetahs, since he was really surprised on how delightful they could be.

Capturing the best pictures of these animals can be difficult as well as exhausting. Cheetahs can be extremely shy creatures and they might not take very well to human interruption in their daily lives. But Dolph has been working for months to gain their confidence, and as you can see, it worked!

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