Heartbreaking Video Shows Sad Dog Mourns Passing of Her Beaver Friend

Do you feel like your dog seems to know when you are sad? It’s like they can just read your mind! In my opinion, dogs are one of the most empathetic creatures in the world. Like your human friends, they can feel your pain and even help you feel better with their adorable ways. But what do you do when they are the ones who are sad?

Bella and Beavis are the unlikeliest of friends. After all, Bella is a sweet dog, and Beavis is a 200lbs beaver! This odd companionship developed as the rodent would come home and visit Bella. Sometimes they would even find the two in cuddles in the morning. Moreover, Bella never shared her food with any other dog, but Beavis was an exception!

bella mourns for beavis

Sadly, one day the owners came to a heartbreaking sight. Beavis was lying on the floor, and Bella was crying for it to wake up. Unfortunately, the beaver had already passed away. Although nobody knows what happened to Beavis, Bella was heartbroken. The owner says that the poor dog cried for 6 hours that day. Who says animals can’t feel emotions like humans do? Watch the video below:

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