Bringing a newborn home to meet the family dog can be a bit scary. Although we know that our pets are nice and friendly, there is still knowing how they would react to a new human in the house. New parents can get anxious about leaving the new baby with a dog around. In a video uploaded on the internet, the father of the baby films a dog who he calls “Zayla” and asks her if she is ready to meet her new baby sister. The adorable dog jumps into the bed while the mother of the 2-day old baby girl sits on the floor nervously. Finally, Zayla gets to meet the new addition to the family, and her reaction was adorable!
It looks like it wasn’t just the parents who were nervous about the first meeting. As Zayla walks on the bed, she notices a strange little creature. She probably never seen a baby as small as her before, so, we can’t imagine what’s going through her head as she cautiously gets near the baby and sniffs on her foot and then smelling her head. She seems pretty enamored by the newborn. She walked at the corner of the bed and stares at the baby. She then gives the infant another sniff before moving to another side of the bed. Zayla kept her distance and spent some time just looking at the newborn. She then carefully lies down at the edge of the bed that she almost fell, trying to not to disturb the baby. The new parents laughed as they witness the meeting.

Although the first meeting was awkward for Zayla and the infant, eventually, they will develop an amazing bond. There’s no doubt that a human and dog friendship is amazing. And in just a few months, Zayla and her new sister can start playing and sharing beautiful memories.
Watch the adorable first meeting of the two here:
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