Young Boy Shows His Moves but Hilarious Dog Dance Steals the Show

This is one of those videos that is fun to watch because both the boy and the dog are having so much fun, plus the dog’s dance moves are so hilarious that I think it will brighten everyone’s day at least a little bit.

This young Brazilian boy is having a good time dancing but he’s obviously doing it to entice his young canine friend to move with him. And move that little dog does: his hilarious up-and-down, back-and-forth moves have a rhythm that is nearly irresistible.

But what I think is the best part is that the doggo is clearly having fun. Sure, he’s watching his owner and trying to keep up with him, but he’s almost smiling that he likes it so much. And it’s clear that the boy, and the offscreen audience, are enjoying this show of energy and fun from this little dog.

Check this out, I think you will have to smile. No wonder this video has over six million views. Watch the video clip below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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