Boy With A Disease That Prevents Him To Go Out In The Sun Was Finally Able To Play Outside

Chiari malformations are not as common as other structural defects, unfortunately, a little boy from Connecticut named Brody was diagnosed with it. Chiari malformation is a structural defect in the skull that affects the part of the brain that is responsible for balance, the medications he takes for this caused him the inability to regulate his body temperature. This causes Brody’s skin to get blisters whenever he gets exposed in the sun or anywhere with high temperature. Sadly, Brody is unable to go outside and play in the sun like a normal kid.

For Brody’s fourth birthday, Make-A-Wish Foundation Connecticut contacted Brody’s mother, Julia Rubin, to find a way to make his birthday a special one. They asked for what they can do for the little boy and Julia’s answer was simple yet complicated – they wished to find a way for Brody to be able to play outside. Julia said in an interview with Inside Edition, “I thought the best wish would be like something he couldn’t do like a regular child. We wanted a play area that he could play outside.” Through careful planning, the Make-A-Wish Foundation was finally able to come up with the best gift for Brody.

Source: Youtube

The foundation built a play tent with a temperature-control system outside of Brody’s home. It’s connected to the door so he can just easily jump out of the door and into the grass. Brody’s reaction as he steps into the tent was priceless! He was barefoot as he steps into the grass, he even bent down to touch it. The tent is complete with toys and it even features a beach scene since Brody loves the beach. 

Brody’s family is thankful for the foundation for his wish granted. This way, Brody can at least experience a normal life just like the other kids. Watch the full video here:

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