Heartwarming Video Shows 4-Month-Old Girl Ringing Bell After Beating Brain Cancer

Being pregnant is not a piece of cake, however, the tears of joy and excitement as you finally gaze into the eyes of your little one make it all worth it. Similar is the journey of Leann and Patrick Borden as they welcome their new family member Lillian Grace.

Grace came to the world as a healthy individual until the nurse noticed the way she moved her limbs.

An MRI was requested, the results indicated Lillian had a large tumor in her brain stem. This growth was causing significant swelling and damage to her body mechanism. The family quickly made the decision for the procedures of chemotherapy. Lillian underwent medical treatment for three weeks.

Fortunately, the MRI follow showed no sign of tumors, but the doctors insisted on follow-ups over the month to keep an eye on the baby’s development. Finally, in December 2019 Grace got the chance to ring the cancer-free bell. The remarkable journey of the family truly stands out and we can’t help but root for the little one staying strong through it all.

Please press play and watch this heartwarming journey.

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